Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Just some randon pics of the flowers in the yard at the house, that I took.

Happy Birthday to me.

Today I am 38 years old... where did the time go?
I had a great day, spending time with my family.
Hubby had a great plan Steak and a seafood boil and of course ice cream cake.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yesterday we went to the Fun Fest Fair. I am glad we went early, there weren't to many people there. The kids and hubby rode a couple rides, we had funnel cakes and watched some talent search stuff for the next american singer or something.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Johann Lippowitz

Johann Lippowitz

This guy is awesome! He has a ton of these videos on youtube.
Check him out

Double rainbow

Walked outside yesterday and this is what I saw. Can you see the faint 2nd rainbow? It was so beautiful.

Arizona is nice, it is taking a while to get used to not being in Alaska. It is weird waking up every morning at 6am and watching the sun rise into bright blue clear skies. And not losing daylight everyday and preparing for the 1st snow fall. And not having grass (well we have grass but just a patch in the back yard) Everything else is stone and pebbles. There is a lot more green here than I thought there would be.

We do live close to the Huachuca Mountains, this is the view from my back yard

This is the view from the front yard looking right.

See how blue and large the sky is...

I cannot wait to look out and see snow capped mountains. Sierra Vista is 4,623 feet above sea level.

Monday, September 22, 2008

After 5000 miles to Alaska, and 4000 miles back to the lower 48 this is the only good picture of a bear that we have, She was with 2 cubs but the pics came out horrible so this is it!! It was taken on the Alcan.